He mihi nā te Tumuaki
Me titiro ki tua o te awe māpara, ki tua o paerangi
Whakarongo ake ki te reo o mumu tai o wawā whenua
Kia tuwhera te ngākau ki te aotūroa, ki te aotūtonu
Kia rongohia ai te hā o āiorangi, i “Tihewa mauri ora” ai
Hihiko te hinengaro, kakama te tinana, tau te tinana
Tau te wairua, kia ngāwari, kia pono, kia mārama!

E mihi ana ki ngā mate, rātou kua whetūrangitia. Ki a tātou ngā kanohi ora, kei ngā mātā waka, kei ngā hau e whā, tēnā rā koutou katoa. Tēnei te mihi aroha ki a koutou katoa e kaha nei ki te tautoko, ki te awhina i tō tātou kura. Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa.
Our kura is a community that offers a strong sense of whānau, in a learning approach that encourages the development of our students’ cultural identity and language in their Te Aupōuritanga.
Te Kura o Te Kao focusses on the heart of our tamariki through our values our kupu whakamānawa:
Kaitiakitanga | Responsibility and Guardianship
Iho Pūmanawa | Uniqueness, Talents and Skills
Aumārietanga | Humble and Peaceful
Manaakitanga | Respectful and Generous
Arohanui | Passionate and Tolerant
Rangatiratanga | Leadership and Integrity
Angitū | Aspiring and Striving to Achieve and Excel
Manawanui | Perseverance and Resilience
Aupōuritanga | Culture, Identity, Connected and Belonging
We believe our uri deserve the best. High standards of academic achievement, together with the confidence and knowledge to become leaders in their kāinga, iwi, and Te Ao hurihuri.
Ko te Atua ki te rangi, ko Te Aupōuri ki te whenua. As a kura ā iwi we are focused on our cultural and social responsibilities to our whānau and iwi together with our students being able to gain deep knowledge, experience, and learning that reflects their interests, their passions, and their pathway as Māori.
Kia tau ngā manaakitanga o Ihoa o ngā mano ki a koutou katoa.
Te Werita “Hemi” Takawe